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SKU: S0013
Weight: 230 grams
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The condu::lyser is a maintenance-free and long-term stable probe for on-line measurement of conductivity, automatically compensated with temperature. It can be mounted directly in the media or in a flow cell providing high precision by either conductive or inductive measurement. Thanks to the high measurement range it is ideal for all varieties of water.


• s::can plug & measure
• measurement principle condu::lyser: 4 electrode contacting measurement
• multiparameter sensor
• ideal for surface water, ground water, drinking water and waste water
• condu::lyser monitors conductivity, temperature and salinity
• long term stable and maintenance free in operation
• high temperature, pressure and measuring range
• steam sterilizable, autoclavable and compatible with Cleaning In Place (CIP)
• factory precalibrated
• mounting and measurement directly in the media (InSitu) or in a flow cell
• operation via s::can terminals & s::can software
• 2 versions available:
sensor with plug connector for use in stations
sensor with fixed cable for submersion
• optional: automatic cleaning with compressed air

"Why do we measure"
The condu::lyser is used for quality control in drinking water production and distribution. From source to tap, the electrical conductivity of the drinking water is an essential parameter indicating the level of salts dissolved and thus the purity of the water. Also in industrial applications like chemistry, food processing or the petroleum industry where water purity is crucial, conductivity measurements are used for the determination of non-specific contaminants. The online monitoring of the salt load is also widely used for effluent control and demineralization processes.

"How do we measure"
The condu::lyser is a multiparameter probe that measures conductivity, temperature and salinity. The 4-electrode contacting measurement principle provides high precision readings and a wider linearity range which leads to perfectly reproducible results. The condu::lyser is flow independent and automatically online temperature compensated. It is insensitive to fouling and contamination, uses no replaceable parts or consumables guaranteeing the lowest cost of ownership.