304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Drinking Water Monitoring
Applications from water intake to tap

1 & 2. Monitoring of raw water and intake

3. Spring monitoring

4. Monitoring, operation and control of the treatment plant

5. Monitoring of distribution network

Smart Water Solutions
Online monitoring of drinking water networks
Waste Water Monitoring
Applications from discharge to effluent

1. Monitoring of municipal and industrial waste water & sewer monitoring

2. Monitoring of WWTP influent

3 & 4. Optimisation of aeration & process optimisation

5. Monitoring of WWTP effluent

Environmental Monitoring
Applications from the river to seawater monitoring

1. River monitoring network

2. Monitoring of bank filtration

3. Spring monitoring

4. Lake Monitoring

Industrial Monitoring
Applications from food processing to heavy industrial waste water

applications – industrial monitoring

1. Process monitoring & control

2. Industrial wastewater effluent

3. Industrial wastewater influent

4. Detection of product loss